Why we need FirstNet - The Project Basics

Project Vision

Provide emergency responders with the first nationwide, high-speed, wireless broadband network dedicated to public safety.

Why we need FirstNet

Smart phones, tablets, and other Internet-connected devices have revolutionized the way that everyday people communicate, navigate, and interact with their world. App developers, hardware producers, and web developers have made us better at our jobs, faster to respond, and more connected to our world than ever before.

However, all of these amazing changes haven't been enjoyed by everybody - America's first responders can't rely on tablets, smart phones, or other connected devices. Why Not?

Why aren't all first responders using wireless broadband today?

Simply put: commercial networks aren't reliable enough to depend on during an emergency.

Users outside a building

Commercial networks crash when too many users attempt to access the network.

Physical infrastucture damage during a toranado

Commercial networks' physical infrastructure can become damaged during server weather like Katrina and Sandy.

Melted Phone

Commercial devices don't stand-up to first responder use.
