How Will We Build FirstNet

Some things take an Act of Congress

title page of the Act that created FirstNet

Title VI of the Middle Class Tax Relief and Job Creation Act of 2012 provided three important things:

  1. Spectrum

    • Allocated the “D-Block” to public safety
    • Added 20MHz (10x10 MHz) to existing Public Safety Frequencies
  2. Governance

    • Created the FirstNet Board
  3. Funding

    • $7B for deployment and operations
    • $135M for state implementation planning

The Process Nationally

flow chart of the National FirstNet state consultation process.  

Image above taken from For more on the national consultation process, please visit -

The Process in Maryland

flow chart of Maryland's FirstNet consultation process.  

In Maryland the process of getting to a final plan for the deployment and operation of the network will involve:

  1. Collecting stakeholder thoughts, ideas, feedback and comments through active and ongoing outreach;
  2. Turning the data shared by stakeholders into actionable information that can be used to create the plan for FirstNet deployment and operation in Maryland; and finally
  3. Sharing that data through a process called "consultation" with the federal FirstNet team, so they can work interactively with Maryland to develop a final plan that meets the needs of Maryland's first responders.